Sunday, April 18, 2010

T Minus a few hours and counting

Let the pain begin! I did manage to pick up heavier weights from Wal-Mart today (8 lbs). It's amazing how heavy that feels to me. I'm getting excited and a little nervous at the prospect of really starting this endeavor. Hopefully I'll have the mats for my living room by Weds. which I believe is the "Polymetric" day. It's a lot of jumping squats and my floors are ancient so it's going to be noisy for my downstairs neighbor. Maybe I'll tell him to turn up Lady Gaga and try and ignore me.

Still haven't gotten my before picture. It would seem that my house has eaten my camera. Spit it up house! I need it back!!

As far as my diet goes (which really isn't a diet, it's more trying to avoid anything fast food and fried) I'm doing pretty good. Had a weak moment last night but I was intoxicated so it seemed like a good idea at the time. I wonder if I should start packing something to eat for when I go out. It would save me from hearing the late night call of Taco Hell.

Today for dinner we had: Pan seared turkey breast with quinoa, zucchini and red peppers. YUMMO!

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