Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pre 90

Well, I've just plain had enough. Each year I get a little bigger and then the fight to make it go away is that much harder. I mean, with all the great food, beer, wine and all the sodium one can comsume how are we stupposed to stay thin?? Genetics are against me. I don't have the thin gene. P90x here I come. I have pretty much everything except something to do the pull ups with. I'm hoping they will have an alternative to actual pullups. Plus I need to get a little heavier weights. I don't know, I'm excited about this. A good friend of mine is getting me pads for my floor. I don't want my downstairs neighbor to think that I am having mad wild orgies upstairs. Heh. Tomorrow I'll get my prepictures taken. Then I figure maybe once a week. This should be interesting.

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